News & articles

Mellifiq news on current and archived projects, press releases, and events.



Ozonetech in panel discussion in Almedalen

“Do not lump together all refugees and immigrants, they are all unique individuals, says Behrang Gilanpour from Ozonetech.” Behrang Gilanpour from Ozonetech, winner of Swedish Pioneer 2015 prize, participates in panel discussion on Integration within the Business Sector, in Almedalen on 6th of July Ozonetech is a fast-growing cleantech company founded 1993 lead by brothers […]

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Cost savings in brewery and diary industry

Ozonetech offers competencies and systems for significant energy and chemical reduction in the food & beverage production which contributes to large operational cost savings and shortened downtime especially in the brewery and dairy industries. Our innovative technology revolutionizes your way of disinfecting process equipment such as storage tanks, filling machines, heat exchangers and all other […]

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Ozonetech on cover of automation

Ozonetech is on the cover of Automation Magazine (no 3, 2016) with a large article about our growth and our work with air treatment for Mall of Scandinavia. We are honored and glad that ozone is getting more recognized as an efficient treatment technology. Read more on  (Swedish)

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Published research on pharmaceutical residues

Ozonetech contributes to scientific research together with university of Umeå. The article “Fate of three anti-influenza drugs during ozonation of wastewater effluents – degradation and formation of transformation products” which is being published in the journal Chemosphere is now available. Highlights Read more about Removal of Pharmaceutical Residues Full article: Sciencedirect

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Delivery to international food producer

A classic Swedish food producer with good ozone treatment experience expands its capacity. We are honored to receive the trust of a well-established food industry on the Swedish west coast. Our client has for about 20 years utilized ozone for disinfection of their process equipment after the washing process and wants to supplement their existing […]

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GastroNord 2016

Visit our boothA16:02 på GastroNord 2016 at Stockholmsmässan 26-29 April 2016. You can see and get more information regarding our solutions for odor and ozone treatment of kitchen extract for buildings, restraurants and other commercial kitchens – and how they can help You reduce odors, fat & grease, contribute to heat recycloing as well as lowering the risk of flue duct […]

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Nordbygg 2016

Visit our booth A43:10 at Nordbygg in Stockholmsmässan 5-8 April 2016. You can see and get more information regarding our solutions for odor and ozone treatment of kitchen extracts for buildings, restraurants and other commercial kitchens – and how they can help you reduce odors, fat & grease, contribute to heat recycling as well as lowering the risk […]

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Ozonetech gets more coverage

Ozonetech gets on the cover of Entreprenör Magazine (issue 1, 2016) with a five page interview on how we have grown over the years. We are truly honored and delighted by the attention, thank everyone who helped us get here. Read the article on (Swedish)

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Ozone treatment gets more recognition

More and more are getting aware of the benefits of ozone air and water treatment, in various applications from commercial kitchen / extract air treatment to breweries and industrial waste water treatment. We find this very enlightening and exciting that more showing interest in our unique ozone technology. Dagens Industri (DI, Sweden’s leading business newspaper) […]

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Mall of Scandinavia

Air Purification Saves Millions for Mall of Scandinavia “Environmental Technology Ozonetech is chosen as exclusive supplier of air purification technology of all the commercial kitchens and restaurants in the newly opened Mall of Scandinavia. Through modern technology, the fat & grease in extract air is reduced significantly enabling energy and heat recovery. The annual savings […]

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