Ferry operator put our ozone treatment solution to the test
Our client this time is one of the world’s largest and most trusted ferry operators, well-known for being meticulous about quality and performance.
Since this Scandinavian company was founded in 1962, they have greatly expanded and now serve countries such as France, Germany, the UK and other European countries in addition to their native Scandinavia.
The problem.
If a fire ever started in a ship’s galley, the consequences would be disastrous. To avoid this and keep the risk of fire as low as possible, cleaning the galley ducts is absolutely necessary. Cleaning and removing grease buildup in the ducts is hard work however; it’s time-consuming and requires planning. In addition, it also tends to cost a great deal of money.
Our client was looking for a more effective and convenient solution. When they contacted us at Mellifiq, what they had in mind was a solution that would keep the galley ducts free from grease, reduce the risk of fire, and minimize cleaning.
The solution.
The ferry operator ended up choosing our Ozonetech RENA Kitchen Solutions system for one of their ships. After some planning, we successfully installed the RENA system once the ship was docked in the harbor.
By injecting ozone into the kitchen ducts, the Ozonetech RENA Kitchen Solutions system successfully removes grease and odor particles from the kitchen exhaust air. This way, the risk of fire is kept as low as possible, and there is no risk of disruptive odor problems onboard the ship.
To evaluate the long-term result, our client decided to set up their own 12-month test. Once the Ozonetech RENA system was in place, an area inside the galley duct was thoroughly cleaned using the system and then marked. The test area would then be compared to other areas in order to obtain results. Twelve months later, the test area still looked clean. No grease buildup whatsoever.
With the client satisfied, Mellifiq could add another successful completed project to our portfolio!