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Construction giant uses Mellifiq ozone system to treat kitchen odors

Real estate .
Odor control in commercial kitchens
Kitchen exhaust treatment
Commercial kitchens
3,000 m³/h


Swedish construction giant trusts Ozonetech RENA Kitchen Solutions to treat exhaust air

This time, we are helping out a Swedish, NASDAQ-listed construction and civil engineering company.

It started out as a small family-operated business that helped local farmers handle their waste, and now, it is one of the largest construction companies in the Nordic region, with about 130 regional offices and over 14.500 employees. In addition to offering services related to construction and engineering, the company also delivers industrial material and equipment.


The problem.

The construction giant was on the lookout for a solution that would provide high-quality exhaust air treatment at their headquarters in southern Sweden.

The main problems that our client was looking to solve were the odors emitted by the exhaust air and the grease buildup in the ducts. Odors can be incredibly disruptive, both to neighbors and to employees working in properties without an effective treatment solution. Grease, in turn, quickly starts to stick to the duct walls, clogging them. These grease buildups are also dangerous when you consider the fire risk: if ignited, duct fires fuelled by grease buildups can be very destructive and hard to put out.

The solution.

In 2019, the company contacted us Mellifiq and ordered an Ozonetech RENA 40 system, part of our Ozonetech RENA Kitchen Solutions series.

Our RENA Kitchen Solutions systems are some of our most powerful systems and are tailored for use in commercial kitchens. The system injects ozone into the exhaust air stream, effectively breaking down both grease and odor particles. This way, the ducts are essentially kept free from grease and the released exhaust air does not trouble its surroundings with odors. The non-existent grease buildups greatly decrease the fire risk and since the fire risk is decreased, it becomes possible to construct ducts using cheaper material.

In addition, Kitchen Solutions systems have very low maintenance costs and are very safe: should they notice anything usual going on, they will automatically shut down.

Solution facts.
Mellifiq delivery
Ozonetech RENA – Kitchen Solutions
Odors no longer affect the work environment, lower fire risk and environmental impact
3,000 m³/h
Solution dimensions, HxWxD (cm)
97 x 75 x 26.5


Thanks to our Ozonetech RENA Kitchen Solution, the employees at the company headquarters are now able to enjoy a work environment with no odors and a lower fire risk.

The company also benefits from lower maintenance costs and a lower environmental impact.