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AxoPur skid-mounted system

Turn wastewater into pure water with our skid-mounted system

The AxoPur skid-mounted system offers a compact, one-step solution for converting contaminated wastewater into clean water. Electrocoagulation is utilized to effectively treat different types of wastewater, such as industrial effluents, municipal sewage, landfill leachate, and stormwater. This process efficiently eliminates suspended solids, emulsified oils, metals, phosphorus, and microorganisms.

The AxoPur system uses electricity for purification, offering efficient process control and fine-tuning options, such as inline measurement of feed-forward conductivity or feed-back turbidity. The purification occurs instantly, and the system is designed for continuous operation. It can also manage variable or intermittent flows through a buffer volume and/or level control in a tank, allowing for automatic start and stop when needed.

The system produces a high yield of purified water, often replacing or supplementing purchased fresh water. This reduces both effluent and fresh water volumes, significantly lowering the risk of fresh water supply shortages.

Flexible Space and Flow Management

A skid-mounted AxoPur system is often the ideal solution when space is available in an existing building, offering flexibility in layout. The process equipment is mounted on a couple of skids, which can be positioned along walls or placed freely. The system handle flows in the range 1–40 m³/h and is well-suited for applications such as professional vehicle washing, pulp and paper industry, livsmedelsbearbetning, mejeriproduktion, fish farming, aquaculture, and more. This versatility ensures it serves as an efficient and compact wastewater treatment solution across diverse industries.

For flows above 40 m³/h, we recommend our AxoPlus system, customized to meet unique needs and requirements, available in both skid-mounted and containerized configurations.


Pilot testing

We offer a mobile AxoPur system suitable for on-site pilot testing and demonstrations, providing a practical and efficient way to evaluate its performance in real-world conditions. Conducting a pilot test not only delivers valuable data for designing a full-scale commercial AxoPur system but also enables clients to assess the technology’s effectiveness, adaptability, and operational benefits firsthand.

Read more about our pilot testings här.

AxoPur skid mounted A-series

The A-series is based on AxoPur reactors having a hydraulic capacity of 3 m³/h each and is usually considered for intermittant flows or continuous flows in the range 1-6 m³/h.




AxoPur skid mounted B-series

The B-series is based on AxoPur reactors having a hydraulic capacity of 5 m³/h each and is suitable for flows in the range 4-20 m³/h.




AxoPur skid-mounted system
Skid-mounted AxoPur systems are the perfect solution for installations in existing buildings, offering flexible layout options where space permits.

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