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Reference project

Hamburger restaurant in shopping mall chooses our ozone system

Real estate .
Grease removal and duct cleaning
Kitchen exhaust treatment
Commercial kitchens
3,000 L/s


Hamburger restaurant benefits from efficient heat energy recovery ensured by Ozonetech RENA Kitchen Solutions

Our current client is located in a prominent Finnish shopping mall.

The client is an international restaurant chain that operates hamburger restaurants all over the world; with over 15 000 restaurands in 100 countries, it is an industry giant for sure.

The problem.

This local hamburger restaurant, like many fast food restaurants, struggled with treating their greasy kitchen exhaust air.

Insufficiently treated kitchen exhaust air leads to several problems for restaurant and property owners. Grease buildups start to rapidly form in the kitchen ducts, creating the risk for potential duct fires. The untreated exhaust air also leads to disruptive odor problems for the vicinity; very soon, neighbors, shopping mall colleagues and official authorities will start complaining about it. Lastly, effective heat recycling is not possible is the exhaust air is not clean enough.

The solution.

In 2019, an Ozonetech RENA Kitchen Solutions system was installed in the Finnish hamburger restaurant.

The Ozonetech RENA 40 system produces ozone that is led into the kitchen duct in order to purify the air, removing airborne fat particles. It also minimizes grease build-up, both on the duct walls and  on the heat exchanger air filter. This way, the restaurant can also recycle heat energy and use it for their facilities.

Solution facts.
Mellifiq delivery
Ozonetech RENA Kitchen Solutions
Removal of grease in the kitchen duct
3,000 L/s
Solution dimensions, HxWxD (cm)