Activated Carbon in water applications

Pharmaceutical removal.

The consumption of active pharmaceuticals has increased dramatically in the last century. The present study indicates that more than 65 – 75 % of active pharmaceutical ingredients ingested by humans, pass naturally through the body into wastewater.

These hard to degrade ingredients are an increasing problem in waterways due to the improper disposal and the fact that they, in many cases, are virtually unaffected by conventional wastewater treatment. Accumulated in the environment, they can significantly impact aquatic life.

The application of activated carbon (AC), like GAC, granulated active carbon and PAC, powdered active carbon, filters has been shown to be very efficient in removing pharmaceutical residues found in wastewater in a cost-effective manner.

Activated carbon is also well established in the pharmaceutical industry, as being highly suitable for removal of impurities from pharmaceutical products.

Recommended activated carbon

All water applications
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