Product launch: Nodora AirMist horizontal scrubbers
Today, Mellifiq announces our latest product launch which solidifies our position as the leading air and gas treatment solution provider.
Mellifiq proširuje svoju marku Nodora Airmist sa horizontalno pakiranim slojem vlažnog pročišćivača, omogućujući učinkovita rješenja za tretman zraka i plinova s posebnim fokusom na učinkovito upravljanje velikim količinama SOx, amonijaka, sulfida i VOC-a.
“The Nodora AirMist complements our tremendously successful ADS and CAT series, and we are proud to welcome this uniquely designed wet scrubbers systems as a new sibling in the Nodora brand and Mellifiq family of products,” says Behrang Gilanpour, Mellifiq CTO.
What sets the Nodora AirMist apart? It’s not only a game-changer in performance but also in its compact footprint-to-capacity ratio. This innovation is particularly well-suited for situations where limited space restricts the installation of vertical-type wet scrubbers.
Stay tuned for updates on the global installation of Nodora AirMist horizontal scrubbers.