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Reference project

Municipality installs full-scale treatment solution for micropollutants

Obrada vode .
Treating active pharmaceutical ingredients (APIs) and improving the treatment of COD and BOD
API removal
Municipal wastewater treatment plants
30 m³/hr


Mellifiq's O-GAC™ process takes care of difficult environmental problem at the world’s northernmost wastewater treatment plant

We are going far up north in this reference project.

Our current client, a municipality located near the Arctic Circle with a population of 8000, is a hotspot for fishing salmon and going kayaking. It also serves as home to several protected animal species, and therefore, environmental questions are of utmost importance to the local authorities. They have worked intensively with eco-tourism and sustainability for many years, and they continue to be very motivated when it comes to these questions.

The problem.

The municipal wastewater is handled centrally at the wastewater treatment plant, which supplies water to the entire region.

It treats wastewater using a grit trap that is complemented by primary sedimentation and a coagulation process—a very basic system in need of upgrades so that it could ensure a high water quality when the treated water is released into the recipients. In addition, such a basic treatment solution is not able to successfully manage the emerging problem that is pharmaceutical residues. Another challenge presents itself in the form of the drastic seasonal flow differences that the treatment solution has to handle: regardless of what the flow is, treatment efficiency should still remain the same.

The solution.

By making full use of the combined experience of the Mellifiq engineering team and the wastewater management team, we developed a full-scale treatment solution for the wastewater treatment plant, adapting it to the on-site infrastructure.

The complete treatment process is made up of three steps. We start off the process with our Water Maid FlexKarb-S filtration system, which takes care of elevated suspended solids and concentrations of dissolved organic material that may be present due to a missing secondary biological treatment step. Afterwards, an advanced Ozonetech RENA Tellus X ozonation system effectively removes the vast majority of APIs. As a finishing step, our Water Maid FlexKarb-C filtration system maximizes treatment efficiency by treating any APIs that are left after the ozonation step.

This whole treatment solution was integrated into a 20 ft container, fitted with a pump system.

Solution facts.
Mellifiq delivery
Wastewater treatment plant extension with a tertiary treatment process
94% pharmaceutical residues removal and 25% reduction in BOD, COD, TOC and DOC at EUR 0.03/m³ operational costs
30 m³/hr
Footprint (m²)
50 m²


The complete plant extension, acting as a de facto tertiary treatment process, was constructed in less than six months. Its performance was tested during three consecutive months in 2021, and has been operating since then.

Not only do the results show a drastic 94% reduction when it comes concentrations of pharmaceutical residues—BOD, COD, DOC and TOC levels were reduced by more than 20%, boosting the overall wastewater treatment performance.

In spite of the relatively high contamination levels present in the feedwater, total energy costs were less than EUR 0.03/m³.