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Aktivni ugljen

Globalna opskrba i isporuka aktivnog ugljena vrhunske kvalitete.

Mellifiq distribuira i implementira rješenja i usluge s aktivnim ugljenom u svim kutovima svijeta. Naš aktivirani ugljen također se koristi u mnogim našim sustavima za filtraciju vode i zraka.

Pronađite rješenje po primjeni

Naši alotropi ugljika.

Naš asortiman aktivnog ugljena može se kategorizirati u sljedeće glavne kategorije, koje imaju posebne značajke koje se mogu prilagoditi vašim specifičnim potrebama i zahtjevima performansi. Saznajte više o našim uslugama i ponudi pomoću navigacijskog izbornika u nastavku.

Rješenja po mjeri za svaki zadatak.

Kupite svoj aktivirani ugljen od višestruko nagrađivanog dobavljača koji dizajnira i gradi visokokvalitetna industrijska rješenja za pročišćavanje koja se koriste diljem svijeta.

Mellifiq je globalni stručnjak za odabir, upotrebu i opskrbu najkvalitetnijim ugljenom za izazovne industrijske primjene pročišćavanja zraka i vode. Naš glavni posao je izgradnja prilagođenih rješenja za pročišćavanje zraka i vode koristeći pojedinačne i kombinirane metode pročišćavanja. Tu smo da vam pomognemo u odabiru aktivnog ugljena koji je 100% ispravan za vašu primjenu.

1. Pilot projekt

We have executed pilot projects as a part of plant specifications and special applications for more than 15 years to design the most effective solutions for industrial air exhaust, pharmaceutical residues removal, nitrogen removal, VOC emissions and many other applications for over 100 clients world wide.

Carefully selecting the correct activated carbon type is an integral part of the pilot project execution and sizing due the vast array of properties such as raw material, particle size, impregnations method or catalytic characteristics. Please read more in our brochure for water treatment pilot projects.

2. Laboratorijska ispitivanja s aktivnim ugljenom

Once the suitable activated carbon type has been identified, Mellifiq can perform quality control laboratory testing in conjunction with delivery to provide complete peace of mind for our clients. We can also analyze your current activated carbon, regenerated carbon or the unique batch of virgin activated carbon for your particular project.

Mellifiq can offer shipment analysis, screening and crushing, impregnated carbon testing, client sample analysis and operation verification tests after installation. Our test methods conform with all the internationally relevant standards. This includes bulk density, absolute density, particle density, particle size, pressure drop testing, mechanical strength, ball-pan hardness, CTC value, Iodine number, and all other testing methods covered by:

  • American Society for Testing of Materials (ASTM)
  • Anglo American Research Laboratory Methods (AARL)
  • EN standards
  • US Environmental Protection Agency (EPA)
  • United States Pharmacopeia (USP)
  • Prop65 (CA)

Mellifiq also has access to specialized testing including mass spectroscopy and lazer analysis laboratories to quantify metals, heavy metals, gold adsorption capacity and rate, and impregnation levels of carbon such as silver (Ag).

Pilot projekti i laboratorijska ispitivanja

Activated carbon must be selected carefully based on suitable performance characteristics and the user requirements. Mellifiq offers the word’s widest range of activated carbon of any type for any challenge, normally integrated into our turn-key treatment systems for air and water treatment and management. For particularly difficult deliveries, Mellifiq offers both pilot projects and carbon testing to ensure quality and performance at lowest possible life cycle cost.

Što je aktivirani ugljen?

Aktivirani ugljen je oblik ugljena koji se obrađuje kako bi imao vrlo male pore i veliki ukupni volumen pora. Ovaj volumen stvara ogromnu ukupnu površinu za adsorpciju i kemijske reakcije.

Volumen se uglavnom stvara aktivacijom, koja uklanja neželjene kemijske spojeve i povećava poroznost i površinsku površinu. Aktivacija se može izvršiti fizičkom aktivacijom, ugljenjivanjem, aktivacijom/oksidacijom i kemijskom aktivacijom.

Aktivirani ugljen dobiva se spaljivanjem drvenog ugljena ili spaljivanjem materijala bogatih ugljikom, poput ljuski kokosa, bambusa, orašastih ljuski, ugljena, treseta i drva na vrlo visokim temperaturama uz dodatak drugih tvari, poput soli.

Jedan gram aktivnog ugljena može imati površinu od 500 do 1.500 četvornih metara.

Pitanja i odgovori o aktiviranom ugljenu

Kako sigurno rukovati s aktiviranim ugljenom?

Handling of activated carbon should always be done according to the safety data sheet (SDS). Generally activated carbon is safe, but should not be inhaled or handling near potential ignition sources.

Kako aktivirani ugljen tretira zrak i vodu?

The primary method of purification with activated carbon is through a process known as adsorption, which means that substances, normally non-polar, are filtered through adhesion of molecules onto the large active surface inside the carbon filter bed. It should not be confused with absorption which means that a medium is mixed with or dissolved in another media.

Kako često treba mijenjati filter medij?

This depends completely on the load under which the carbon bed is operated, which is a function of flow and concentration of contaminants which are to be adsorbed. There are several ways to extend the life time of an activated carbon filter bed, such as combination with other technologies or varying the filter bed size during design phase. As a rule of thumb, a typical media change can happen 6-12 months after installation, but can vary significantly. In the end, an activated carbon system should be designed based on total cost of ownership. Please contact the Mellifiq project consulting department for a complete analysis package.

Može li se aktivirani ugljen ponovno koristiti?

Yes, most carbon types can be reused after undergoing a process called regeneration in which a heat and chemical process desorbs the treated contaminants and reactivated the carbon surfaces. Regenerated carbon maintains most of the capacity of the virgin carbon and can normally be repeated 5-10 times before any observable decline in performance.

Što je "virgin coal" (novi ugljen)?

Virgin carbon is produced directly from its raw material source and has not been regenerated.

Koja je razlika između pulveriziranog i granularnog aktiviranog ugljena?

Both powdered and granular carbon are actually granular. Powdered carbon has been produced with a mesh smaller than US mesh 80.

Za što se može koristiti aktivirani ugljen?

Activated carbon is used to purify and filter air and water from pollutants, odors and other harmful VOCs. Activated carbon is produced from wood, coal, coconut shells and other materials.

Koliko vrsta aktiviranog ugljena postoji?

There are several types of activated carbon but there are three main forms of activated carbon, Granular activated carbon (GAC), Powder activated carbon (PAC), and Extruded (pelletized) activated carbon (EAC). Granular and extruded activated carbon also undergo impregnation or catalyzation to enhance the removal of some specific groups of contaminants.

Što aktivirani ugljen tretira?

It can generally be used to filter mid-size to large molecules with molar mass 80-190 g/mole. Smaller and larger contaminants can be treated with specialized types of carbon, such as impregnated or catalytic filter media.

Što znači aglomerirani aktivirani ugljen?

Agglomerated carbon is produced by pulverizing the carbon and pressing it into compact briquettes. After this process the heat and steam activated is performed to produce high performing activated agglomerated carbon.

Nudite li usluge zamjene?

Yes, Mellifiq coordinates and executes filter media change globally.

Kako se obično isporučuje aktivirani ugljen?

The most common way is to pack activated carbon in 25 kg or 500 kg bags, packed in 20 ft containers for most economical shipping costs.

Što je veličina mreže?

Granular activated carbon particles is produced through applying various standardized mesh, which produce a certain particle size within a particle size distribution. For example, a 8×4 mesh produces particles which lie 90% within size distribution 2.38 to 4.76 mm granules. The mesh size refers to the number of mesh perforations per inch.