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Reference project

Complete API removal for medical company

Obrada vode .
Removal of propofol
Industrial wastewater treatment
Pharmaceutical production
30 m³/h with 10 ppm API


Healthcare company uses ozone to completely remove pharmaceutical residues from their process wastewater

This project customer is a global healthcare company with about 40,000 employees worldwide. Their specialities include clinical nutrition, infusion therapy and medical equipment.

The facilities located in eastern Sweden have around 1000 employees working in them in total. The two facilities have split their production duties, with one of them focusing on the intravenous nutritional solutions and the other one focusing on egg phospholipids.

The problem.

The wastewater emitted by one of the production facilities contained propofol levels that were well above legal levels.

Propofol is an active pharmaceutical ingredient that is extensively used for inducting and maintaining anesthesia. The compound is a very stable molecule and highly persistent, which leads to municipal wastewater treatment plants struggling to break it down. This problem, in combination with local effluent requirements, meant that our client had to look for a new wastewater treatment method that could efficiently remove propofol.

The solution.

We at Mellifiq were asked to design and deliver an ozone treatment solution for the excess propofol. We started off by launching an internal pilot-scale project at our own facilities. The pilot solution managed to remove 100 % of the propofol, and due to this, we based our full-scale treatment solution on the findings and the assessment done in the pilot-scale project. The Mellifiq consulting team tailored the solution to make it fit into the existing facility and pipe works. It was then installed and successfully commissioned on-site by our engineers.

The solution was a combination of Ultra Filtration (UF) and multiple turn-key Ozonetech RENA Vivo C-series ozone systems. The Vivo series are our market-leading ozone systems used for various water applications. Fitted with its own ozone generators and security mechanisms, the Vivo series reliably treats contaminated water with highly concentrated ozone. The C-series in particular is our most powerful Vivo system and excels at tackling the most difficult treatment challenges, such as removing APIs from wastewater.

Solution facts.
Mellifiq delivery
3 x Ozonetech RENA Vivo C-series
Dimenzije (ŠxVxD)
2,625 x 1,240 x 1,600 mm
Input power
5.5 kW
Razina buke
49 dB
Complete removal of 10 ppm propofol


Once again, ozone has proved itself very effective for treating pharmaceutical residues: the propofol levels are now below the required limit, and the wastewater can be safely transported to the local municipal wastewater treatment plant for further treatment.

In addition, system performance is continuously monitored through an integrated ORP control system.