Odor reduction at sewage treatment plants
The water supply and sewage treatment in one of the municipalities in Sweden are handled by a company that is our customer in this case. The drinking water there is produced using groundwater, which is filtered and regularly inspected by Livsmedelsverket (The Swedish National Food Administration), to ensure the highest possible water quality before consumption. Water from showers, dishwashers, cleaning or any source of water that is led to the sewage must be treated before it is reunited with nature. This is done to prevent the overfertilization and pollution of our waters.
In the cleaning process, the water is cleaned from physical objects, organic material and nutrients. The cleaned water is recycled to water that will be used in the vicinity, while the rest becomes a mixture called sludge. The sludge is then led to a treatment process in which it is made ready for disposal in landfills.
The problem.
In the sludge treatment process, various odorous compounds can be formed due to microbial decomposition of organic matter. This is highly dependent on the type of wastewater handled (industrial or commercial). Amongst these compounds, the compound that is considered one of the worst malodors is the reduced sulfur compound, hydrogen sulfide (H2S).
H2S is a very common odorant in sludge treatment processes, and it can be a large hindrance to the staff at the plant. H2S has a very distinct odor of rotten egg with an odor threshold in the size range of a couple parts-per-billion (ppb), meaning that any volatilization or leakage in the process may lead to highly unpleasant conditions, even to the extent that neighboring areas around the plant might file odor complaints.
The solution.
The facility already had an old ozone system in place, but it generated little to no results. However, we were up to the task and installed an Ozonetech high-performance ozone system reducing H2S and odor from the wastewater treatment facility to a minimum, an investment resulting in a more pleasant working environment while being a huge relief for the neighborhood.
A high capacity Ozonetech RENA Pro system was offered, including sensor and full monitoring. The injection point in the ventilation was carefully chosen by working together with the company in order to ensure maximum efficiency.
The Ozonetech RENA Pro reduced the H2S levels in the process ventilation from the sludge treatment basins significantly, reducing the odor levels at the facility as a whole by 87% compared to the former supplier’s ozone system. The careful design and optimization of the RENA and the ventilation system minimized risks for odor leakages and the risk of bacterial growth in the ducts.