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Reference project

Coastal brewery upgraded to ozone sanitation

Obrada vode .
Disinfection & sanitation
Process equipment sanitation
15 min sanitation at 1 ppm ozone residual


No chemicals and a safer working environment

Our current client is not just a favorite among locals and tourists, it’s also Sweden’s oldest microbrewery.

The brewery produces several popular beers such as India Pale Lager, Saison and the classic Christmas holiday drink for Swedes, “julmust”. They have also designed and produced custom-made beer for e.g. football associations.


The problem.

Ever since the brewery got started back in 1995, they have used large amounts of chemicals and hot water to sanitize all process equipment—a necessary procedure to prevent product spoilage and maintain the highest possible product quality. This sort of treatment solution consumes a great deal of water and is very costly.

The excellent sanitation potential of ozone presented an attractive solution for the facility, and so, the client asked us at Mellifiq to design a highly effective treatment solution.

The solution.

In cooperation with Mellifiq, the brewery installed a high-performance Ozonetech RENA Vivo A-series ozone system that provides effective sanitation and disinfection in addition to the existing clean-in-place operations. Ozonetech’s RENA Vivo system enables a turn-key sanitation solution that can be used in lieu of the treatment solution where the brewery made use of acid and hot water.

An intuitive touchscreen, controlling the ozone concentration during the disinfection process, enables on-demand sanitation while leaving no chemical residues. There is no longer any need to handle and administrate hot water or hazardous chemicals.

Solution facts.
Mellifiq delivery
Ozonetech RENA Vivo A-series Brewery solutions
Dimenzije (ŠxVxD)
1,800 x 1,200 x 800 mm
Input power
0.75 kW
Razina buke
49 db


The new Ozonetech RENA Vivo A-series system has significantly reduced the need to handle disinfection chemicals as well as all costs associated with them. In addition, the brewery is now able to save a great deal of water since chemical residues are eliminated.

The time needed to sanitate the equipment has also been reduced thanks to the high disinfection capacity of the system. Thanks to Mellifiq, the brewery is now both more efficient and chemical-free.