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Real estate company treats kitchen exhaust air with ozone

Real estate .
Exhaust air treatment in commercial kitchens
Kitchen exhaust treatment
Real estate
Flow 13,000 m³/h


No more disturbing odors in the surrounding neighborhood

Our current client is a Swedish state-owned real estate company that builds and manages properties that are rented primarily by universities and colleges. Having a total property value of over USD 6 billion and a turnover of USD 500 million, the real estate company is one of Sweden’s largest. The business is divided between six regions, with its headquarters in Gothenburg. Its properties are located around the country; around 300,000 people study, conduct research and work in these properties every day.

Our client develops and manages the venues all while paying great attention to the environment. Since December 2004, the company has been certified according to the ISO 14001 standard, and is at the forefront of developing and using environmentally friendly technology. An example of this is them improving their energy efficiency and developing alternative energy production methods. Our client wants to find the most energy efficient solution for each individual property. They also work proactively to prevent pollution that typically occurs in the real estate business.

The problem.

Our client’s property portfolio contains many restaurants with commercial kitchens that serve all those who study, research and work in the properties. The fat and cooking odors that originate from these kitchens stick to the ducts, which in turn leads to an increased fire risk and odors that disrupt the surroundings.

In their quest to prevent grease-related problems and enable energy efficiency, the client saw a need to review how they were treating the restaurant exhaust air in the ventilation ducts.

The solution.

Following an Ozone Academy seminar, where Mellifiq provides information about our kitchen exhaust air solutions to company representatives, internal discussions were held in the real estate company. These discussions gave rise to the idea of using an ozone-based treatment solution for both the exhaust air and the duct channels. The aim was to remove cooking odors and reduce the risk of fire, which is a high-priority challenge for property owners with restaurants in their properties.

Ozone treatment is an established method that is used in industrial applications and large commercial kitchens where the ozone reduce odors and reduces the risk of fire. Ozonetech’s high-performance ozone generators quickly eliminate grease and odor particles before they start posing a problem. After the ozone has done its part, only water vapor, some carbon dioxide and dust remain. As the risk of fire decreases, ducts in stainless steel can be replaced with ordinary black plate which is considerably cheaper.

Solution facts.
Mellifiq delivery
Ozonetech RENA Kitchen Solution
Dimenzije (ŠxVxD)
400 x 400 x 200 mm
Input power
0.5 kW
Razina buke
49 dB


Today, our client uses installed ozone-based treatment systems in several of their properties, and the results are excellent. Ozone treatment is a proven way to reduce costs, remove disruptive odors and maintain the capacity the ventilation system is designed for. In addition, the treatment enables efficient heat recovery.

The benefits of installing an ozone treatment solution in commercial kitchens are many and can save thousands of dollars every year. Once the equipment is commissioned—which takes a couple of days— the system operates automatically without any need for dedicated staff.