Nordbygg 2014 — 1-4 April
Two years has passed since last Nordbygg and a lot has happened.
We have widened and improved our product portfolio and have even more to offer our clients and partners in air purification and water treatment. For that reason we will be exhibiting in two booths: A04:50 and A43:11 this year!
You can find our expert collagues with experiance in ozone treatmet for everything from restaurant kitchen ventilation and hoods to water treatment for removing microorgranisms and other not readily biodegradable substances with high COD/BOD.
You can also, on-site, get recommendations for suitable ozone technology for different applications for both small and large flows.
Booth A43:11 – Air Treatment
– for restaurants, commercial kitchens, ventilation, hoods, factories etc.
Monter A04:50 – Water Treatment
– for (among onter things) removing bacteria, virus etc. We will also be introducint the new RENA Systems (AOP – Advanced Oxidation Process) for treating highly contaminated effluent
– for (among other things) removing pharmaceutical residue, complexing agents and other not readily biodegradable substances with high COD/BOD

Links: www.nordbygg.se, Free Tickets