Mellifiq to facilitate rainwater harvesting for major property owner
We are pleased to announce another significant milestone in our portfolio of sustainable rainwater harvesting projects. Mellifiq has been chosen to deliver a complete system for rainwater reuse to MKB in Malmö, one of the largest public real estate property owners in Sweden.
The project is a part of a significant campaign launched by MKB to improve environmental and social aspects in the area. Mellifiq will play a central role in improving water management by treated one of our most precious resources – water. We are under way to deliver a complete rainwater harvesting and reuse system for local irrigation needs.
The system consists of rainwater collection, water quality monitoring and control, and advanced filtration systems to enable safe reuse. The system is tailored to be integrated in existing tight spaces in an underground parking garage which put our engineering and design skills to the test – a challenge we gladly embrace.