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If you are looking for broad spectrum wastewater purification Axolot is the obvious choice of today as well as of tomorrow.
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Axolot is suitable to purify industrial and municipal wastewater, landfill leachate, stormwater and bilge water.

Axolot systems.
Fördelar som gör Axolot till det självklara valet.
Axolot offers a compact wastewater purification for continuous flows starting from 1 m³/h and upwards to 1000 m³/h and above.
- Efficient broadspectrum purification
- Fully automated, easily controlled process
- Facilitates recirculation of purified water
- Instantaneous process requiring a small footprint
Axolot Products & Accessories.

Avancerad och unique technology.
AxoPur is broadspectrum wastewater purification process driven by electricity.

Axolot -relaterade referensprojekt.

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