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Pump stations and metal pipes

Pump stations are used for a variety of infrastructural systems in urban areas including sewers. Many sewer systems rely on pumping station automatic solution to transport wastewater from one point to another. Wastewater flows into a pump station and is stored in chambers.

When the pumping cycle begins, the wastewater level rises and physically displaces the air inside the pump station chamber that carries with it odorous compounds, including hydrogen sulphide (H2S), fatty acids, aldehydes, amines and other VOCs (volatile organic compounds).

These compounds are often at concentrations that are higher than their odour threshold which can result in an odour nuisance for the surrounding neighbourhood.

Activated carbon systems are used to remove odours that are present in the foul air of sewage applications (pump stations, STP) or industrial applications. The odorous compounds are absorbed to the surface of the activated carbon. Depending on the type of volatile compound, a proper activated carbon must be selected.